The fastest and most durable adhesive for the russian volume method. It can cope with all conditions. The only condition for a quick, even half-second binding is a minimum of 19 degrees in the room where we work. Works great at 35% humidity.
Drying time: 1 second
Binding duration: up to 10 weeks
Capacity: 3g
Bestseller of 2018. Its durability and drying speed has gained recognition on the Western market and is considered to be one of the best adhesives for the volumetric method. Known as ONE TOUCH glue.
Vaporization: low
How to use: shake for about a minute before application. Only use a small amount of glue on the lash. It requires quick application, therefore it is recommended only for the most experienced professionals.
Optimum working conditions: 19-23 C, air humidity 35-70%
Storage: Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature. After finishing work, make sure that the bottle is tightly closed in order to minimize the hardening process of the glue.